“Automation, something to consider also in times of pandemic”

Sometimes we still think of cheap manpower as the best way to reduce costs in our processes, but let’s look at it, analysing other factors:



Manpower vs Productivity vs Efficiency vs Profitability vs Quality

If we speak in terms of economy, the Productivity would be the relationship between quantity of products manufactured and what we need and use to produce them, and it is directly associated with the Efficiency and production-time.

“One hour is one hour in all the world”,

and the way to measure the productions is use to be the same in all the countries too: pieces/hour (per day, per week or per year but it is always based on time), so obviously in order to increase the Productivity we need to manage our resources as well as possible to achieve the results to keep Efficiency at all our processes: higher Productivity means higher Efficiency, (more production with same resources or same production with less resources)

On the other hand, Profitability is the capability of generating profits from our operations.

So, our business will be a good business if our productions are Profitable, that means we should get more incomes than costs to produce them (materials, energy and manpower), so as higher Productivity higher Efficiency and higher Profitability.

And then, what about the Quality?

it is always looking for the flawlessness and excellency of productions and it is always joined to the Productivity.

With all those obvious terms and their definitions,

“do you really think Manpower is the best way to reduce our cost at our processes?”


“don’t you think it is the time to Automatize some of them?”


 Automation will give us: higher Productivity & higher Efficiency & higher Profitability & higher Quality.

We are human and as such we have our limitations. Our performance will never be 100% during our entire working day, on the other hand and of course, the working time of a day is limited to a fixed number of hours, so we not only decrease productivity due to our fatigue and mistakes, which makes lower quality of our products, if not, we are also limited by that limited working time.


“and what about automation and the current situation with the pandemic?


“what can it bring us?”


Automation is born from the improvement and optimization of our activities or processes in our plants, normally carried out by people and which are now carried out by machines.

Furthermore, this usually happens and is necessary precisely where there is a more number or need for workers and where these jobs are harder, more difficult and complex.

The world is going through difficult times and is facing a terrible pandemic. People and therefore industries are suffering and in many cases dying, paralyzing countries and the planet, and without being able to do anything to stop it.

Well, automation does not infect or spread the virus, it does not need a “safe distance”, it is not necessary to use “PPE – Personal Protective Equipment”, no quarantine, in the end it does not stop due to a pandemic.


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Your plant will be prepared for its “normal” operation, its guaranteed production and, most importantly, your workers will be protected and will be able to fulfil their tasks, being able to maintain the Covid-19 protocols.

Some people think that machines and automations will eliminate humans, but that is wrong:


“did the car, the train, the plane, or even the computers or internet eliminated the humans”

“they don’t, they have just changed the rules”


Why don’t you use your human resources for other important tasks?

With the automation of your production processes, you can guide your company towards a digital transformation based on a fusion between “man-machine”, the key to growth towards current and future technologies.



By empowering and using those other skills, you will find in your workers everything you need to be more productive, and without a doubt, your company and your product will be quickly considered as a much more desired and important alternative in your market.

With almost 50 years of experience, at Eurobelt, we are in continuous evolution, we put our Technical Department in your hands, we work alongside our clients to understand their needs and help them do it more easily and efficiently.

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